Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"The sacrifices of God are a broken Spirit, a broken and contrite heart"

What is the difference between a broken horse and a wild horse? This question has really challenged my thoughts around this verse. I don't like thinking of the sacrifice that the Lord in these terms, because a broken spirit/heart seem to be best seen in the breaking of a horse. A wild horse is its own master. It does wat it wants and when it wants. It runs, eats, bathes, mates, and does whatever it wants on its own terms. However, if it is captured by a person and that person engages it in a battle of will. It can be broken. It literally loses its indiviual nature and its desire to do whatever it wants. It comes to a point that this powerful and magnificent animal can be control by a child with a little rope and a bit. The smallest tug tells this once proud beast to either turn left or right. To run or walk. It allows itself to be penned up and depended on another for its food. It mates only when allowed to and does only what it is allowed or told to do. What is really "broken"on a horse is its spirit.

I think that this picture is exactly what the Lord desires in us. That we would stop fighting Him and would be so broken that the smallest tug upon our lives in any direction would be obeyed immediately. That we would no longer desire to do our own thing or be our own master, but we would be subject to the leading of our Master, Jesus Christ.